Day 2 of development

In this report, I am thrilled to present the current state of Solar Shock Adventures. The foundation of this project is built upon meticulously crafted C# scripts, designed to enhance every aspect of the game.

The development process began with the implementation of a captivating start menu, setting the stage for players to embark on their thrilling journey. The menu seamlessly blends aesthetics and functionality, creating an immersive experience right from the start.

Next, I focused on character movement, aiming to provide players with fluid and responsive controls. Through careful coding and testing, I achieved a movement system that strikes the perfect balance between precision and ease of use. Players will feel in complete control as they navigate the game's vibrant and dangerous world.

To ensure engaging gameplay, the inclusion of projectile mechanics was crucial. With meticulous attention to detail, I crafted a system that brings the projectiles to life, adding excitement and strategy to combat encounters. Brace yourself for heart-pounding moments as you skillfully aim and release devastating attacks upon your enemies.

But that's not all. A game is incomplete without a robust health and damage system. I dedicated time and effort to create a dynamic system that accurately represents the consequences of each hit and the overall balance of challenges faced by the player. This system adds depth and strategy, making every decision crucial for success.

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Join me in this remarkable game jam adventure, where passion and creativity converge to shape an unforgettable experience. Witness the progression firsthand as Solar Shock Adventures takes shape, and get ready to embark on an epic gaming odyssey unlike any other.

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